Request A Cart


96 Gallon Cart Rentals

Carts provided by DCI Sanitation remain the property of DCI Sanitation.

$8 per month for one cart or $13 per month for two carts

    By clicking "I Agree," I acknowledge that the cart provided by DCI Sanitation remains the property of DCI Sanitation. I agree to pay $8 per month for one cart or $13 per month for two carts for the rental, which will be billed starting with my next month's invoice after the cart has been delivered. Additionally, I agree to take care of the cart to the best of my ability and ensure it is used and maintained responsibly while in my possession.

    Join Our Team.

    We're looking for motivated, hard-working people to join our team. If you do not have a resume please, feel free come by the office to fill out an application Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm.